El fondo regional valón apoya diez nuevos proyectos de todos los géneros, entre los que destacan los esperados segundos ...
The regional Walloon fund is throwing its weight behind 10 new projects spanning all kinds of genres, including the two ...
The films by Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević and Nina Gantz are vying ...
I film di Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, Caroline Poggi e Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević e Nina Gantz sono in lizza ...
Las piezas de Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, el dúo formado por Caroline Poggi y Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević y Nina ...
The European Film Academy has revealed the nominees of the European Short Film category in the European Film Awards, which ...
Pronto al via, il principale raduno cinematografico lettone presenterà nuove produzioni nazionali, ospiterà eventi di settore ...
The Albanian director shares the sociopolitical inspirations behind his latest film and its complex main character ...
The head honcho of the Montreal-based industry gathering explains what makes it unique and what she envisions for the event ...
La 37.ª edición del mayor certamen de documentales del mundo se inaugurará con About a Hero, de Piotr Winiewicz ...
El certamen cinematográfico más importante de Letonia presentará nuevas producciones nacionales, acogerá eventos ...
16/10/2024 - The leading Latvian film gathering is poised to begin, showcasing new national productions, hosting industry ...