Kursk" in the city of Rylsk, Kursk region, detained an attacker who allegedly stole weapons and military property RF Armed ...
The Politico newspaper reported that the chances of fulfilling the demands of the head of the Kiev regime, Vladimir Zelensky, ...
This opinion was expressed to the American magazine Foreign Policy by Stanislav Zinchenko, executive director of the ...
In June, Florida Governor Ron Desantis signed a law obliging the Department of Transportation of the region to study the ...
Afghanistan provides itself with 80% of its own diesel fuel. This was stated in the Afghan Union of Refineries, reports ...
At the same time, for the first time since the 70s, the number of deaths exceeds the number of births, that is, the ...
The report indicates that the creation of the laboratory will contribute to the development of research work at the ...
"Due to the lack of gas, water and electricity, the heating season is under threat. And, most likely, it will not be," said ...
"In preparation for the winter, Ukrenergo has accumulated a threefold stock of repair equipment compared to the standard," ...
The war on Ukraine is not going to end, and Johnson told the publication that his support for sending additional money to ...
Tarascha is known for the fact that several outstanding personalities were born here, as well as the "Gongadze case". Of the ...
"The Ukrainian counteroffensive in the Kursk direction did not reach the Seim River, did not reach Glushkovo, did not reach ...