Things seem to be looking up for WPP: a new bespoke 'Team Starbucks' has won out in a US pitch for the coffee shop giant. Not ...
We’re observing an interesting shift in the advertising industry. Social agencies are taking over, yet no one is talking ...
EE must be one of the UK's very biggest advertisers and, thankfully, someone there has realised that, if you are, it's better ...
It’s the thing and agency dreads – the repitch. But this year there could be a bumper crop of repitches just around the ...
Are big consumer brands too obsessed by celebs/actors? Diet Coke appears to have moved on from Kate Moss - somehow or other ...
New bodies or companies taking over a big enterprise often hit unexpected problems, be they the UK government enmeshed in a ...
To Boldly Go, Elvis and Revolt have secured the top prizes in Ocean Outdoor’s annual Digital Creative Competition which ...
It's becoming a rite of passage for agencies: create something different for football. Uncommon Creative Studio is giving EA ...
In a strong week with another instalment of Nationwide's Dominic West saga from New Commercial Arts and Mother just about ...
Burberry, like British Airways, is one of the few Great British Originals still with us, despite the the wheels sometimes ...
AMV BBDO's "Beyond techspectations" work for Currys has always had a whiff of effective over creative, but finally the two ...
Kraft Heinz has waded into trouble on both sides of the Atlantic with two campaigns featuring (or not) black folk. In the US ...