Talking heads – the best quotes from theatremakers over the past week, including Adrien Brody, Lily Collins, Mark Strong and ...
The Charity Commission is looking into a decision to sell Seven Dials Playhouse’s 1A Tower Street property. The body revealed ...
The union is supporting members who worked with the London theatre, which plans to shut after its Christmas production, as ...
Enjoyable rites-of-passage musical puts fantasy spin on growing up gay in the 1970s, with music by Stiles and Drewe and a ...
Welcome to our weekly discussion forum for key issues facing those working in theatre and the performing arts. This week, we ...
What defines a masterpiece is content being realised within its perfect form – that’s why the chances of turning something ...
The Roundhouse leader says institutions will bump ‘against the ceiling’ and find it difficult to diversify funding streams without further public support ...
Is it time to abolish Arts Council England? Don’t overplay the DCMS’ role in Theatre Tax Relief, and congrats to Lisa Spirling. This week in Your Views ...
Theatre critic Michael Billington has cautioned against updating old plays to cater to 21st-century audiences. Rather, Billington vouched for an original’s importance as a "historical document" and ...
Gary Oldman is to star in Samuel Beckett’s Krapp’s Last Tape at York Theatre Royal next spring. It will mark the celebrated actor’s first stage performance in almost 4 decades.
The reframing of the story works well, even if some of the sharp contemporary symbolism has lost its edge since the original run: Oedipus is dogged by ‘birther’ conspiracies and pressured to release a ...
Simple8's production of Abraham Lincoln assassination story – written by Sebastian Armesto and Dudley Hinton – is oversaturated, meandering and hard to follow ...