Il centro francese sosterrà anche il progetto d'animazione Fleur di Rémi Chayé e Confidences di Saphia Azzeddine ...
The figures outlined at MIA suggest that safer renewals and lower-budget productions are on the rise, while revealing ...
The Spanish film festival opens with A Bathroom of One’s Own , the debut film by Valencian director Lucía Casañ, and awards ...
El fondo regional valón apoya diez nuevos proyectos de todos los géneros, entre los que destacan los esperados segundos ...
Il fondo regionale vallone supporta 10 nuovi progetti di tutti i generi, tra cui le attese opere seconde di finzione di due ...
The regional Walloon fund is throwing its weight behind 10 new projects spanning all kinds of genres, including the two ...
Eva, a psychologist specializing in couples therapy, is about to get married and her best friends are organizing her ...
The films by Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević and Nina Gantz are vying ...
Las piezas de Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, el dúo formado por Caroline Poggi y Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević y Nina ...
I film di Basil da Cunha, Salomé Da Souza, Caroline Poggi e Jonathan Vinel, Nebojša Slijepčević e Nina Gantz sono in lizza ...
La kermesse lettone est prête à démarrer, avec au programme de nouvelles productions nationales, des événements ...
The Albanian director shares the sociopolitical inspirations behind his latest film and its complex main character ...