Processors are being forced to incinerate skins at the cost of €3-5 per animal as market for sheep skins collapses.
Nevan McKiernan reports from the Irish Aubrac Cattle Society open day held on Cathal and William Bannon's farm this weekend.
The regulator commissioned Coyne Research to create and monitor an online survey for farmers, fishers and growers to share ...
Last time a new Commission took over in Brussels it was all about Brexit. That was a minor problem compared with current ...
BYDV tolerant and resistant varieties have been a major step forward for winter barley growers. The varieties provide great ...
If a fodder deficit is identified, then there are a number of options a farmer can avail of to correct it, and every option ...
The tight beef supply continues to support EU beef producer prices and the price of live animals, the European Commission's ...
There has been a reduction in suckler cow numbers again this year, which is concerning in itself. Viewed in the wider context ...
The Department of the Environment has confirmed that there are no plans to stop or prohibit turf being burned in Irish homes.
The policies in place to support female farmers under the current CAP need to become an intrinsic part of farming, Maura ...
Feeding meal to calves, weanlings and stores for the first week after housing is good practise. Meal will encourage animals ...
There has also been significant upward movement in the Spanish lamb prices in recent weeks with the latest sheep price ...