The impact of digital media on civic engagement sparks debate on disinformation and opportunities for reform. Can AI support social good? How can journalism be redefined to be more inclusive? Through ...
user-friendly, thanks to smarter features which, for example, display pending tasks and the remaining exam time and enable the candidates to change the font size. flexible in their implementation.
Accessible and interactive sample papers and practice exercises to help you prepare online are available here.
Ideal if you’d like to ... prepare to study at a university or institution of higher education in Germany provide evidence of your advanced German skills for a job application prepare to work in the ...
The Goethe-Institut in the UK is offering several scholarships for German teachers to attend professional development seminars in Germany for one or more weeks in 2025.
In these courses, we prepare you for the internationally recognized certificate exams of the Goethe-Institut. You get to know the different parts of the written and oral exam by working with sample ...
Assess the submitted applications for mobilities within maximum 14 days (according to pre-defined criteria and a scoring grid); Provide matchmaking services, i.e. written consultations for potential ...
Während der Berlin Science Week vom 1. – 10. November sind erstmals Arbeiten der Residenzkünstler*innen von Studio Quantum, dem Residenzprogramm des Goethe-Instituts zu Kunst und Quantentechnologien, ...
На 25 септември 2024 година ще се състои тринадесетата „Нощ на литературата. Този път събитието ще се състои в София и още девет града в България.
Der Europäische Tag der Sprachen erinnert uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, die sprachliche Vielfalt Europas zu erhalten und zu fördern. Sprachen sind nicht nur Mittel der Kommunikation, sondern auch ...
Le Goethe-Institut Côte d'Ivoire recherche, dans le cadre du projet « Pré-intégration - Vivre et travailler en Allemagne », à partir d’octobre 2024, un prestataire expérimenté pour la conception et la ...
Diante das enchentes históricas de maio deste ano na capital e em quase todo o estado do Rio Grande do Sul e do agravamento da crise climática nos últimos anos, o Goethe-Institut Porto Alegre, em ...