Is the RRSP Meltdown Strategy Worth It? Inspired by reader comments and some recent reader emails, I wondered this very question: is the RRSP meltdown strategy worth it? I had my thoughts on this ...
But the markets are cyclical and I certainly can’t predict the financial future. There can be periods of high-growth, low-growth and despite the recency bias with some investors with the S&P 500: ...
Established retirees will also be aware that RRIF withdrawals can be taken monthly, quarterly, annually or otherwise, as long as the total withdrawals are at least equal to the minimum required ...
For new and established readers, this is our monthly update to share how we are progressing with our hybrid portfolio – a structure that was established approaching 15 years ago as follows: We invest ...
September 2024 Dividend Income Update Well hello! I hope you have enjoyed your summer… Might as well get right into this – near the start of a new month! 🙂 For new and established readers, this is ...
Bonds – there are lots of ways to own bonds; most DIY investors can easily own bonds via a bond ETF (Exchange Traded Fund). In doing so, you can own bond durations that are short, long and anything in ...
Some time ago…yours truly wrote a controversial post about the intent to live off dividends and distributions from our portfolio. Well, after years of DIY stock and ETF investing – my thinking has not ...
The big news of late in mortgage-and-home-buying-land is that our Federal Government has introduced 30-year amortization periods for all first-time homebuyers and all buyers of new builds, regardless ...
What is Beat the TSX (BTSX)? This blog is about saving and investing my way beyond a $1 million investment portfolio using some Canadian stocks that pay dividends and deliver capital appreciation to ...
I started investing when I was in my early 20s after reading David Chilton’s The Wealthy Barber. I started my investing journey totally oblivious to the high money management fees my big bank charged ...