Anti-racists across Britain are building the biggest possible turnout to stop Nazi Tommy Robinson in London on 26 October.
The United States says Israel has “narrowed down” its list of targets as it prepares to attack Iran and threatens war across ...
Veolia refuse workers in Sheffield are “fully confident” that their indefinite strike can win union recognition.
Right wingers in the West are in a panic about declining birth rates. But it is a problem for the capitalist system, not ...
The crisis of Zionism flows from Israel’s inability to crush the Palestinian resistance. This drives divisions within the ...
Keir Starmer marked Labour’s first 100 days in office on Saturday by siding with bosses who’d sacked hundreds of workers on ...
Privatisation of social care has “failed” and “profit-driven providers” mean worse quality services and worse conditions for ...
The Palestine day of action was called by Stop The War and backed by delegates at the TUC union federation's conference ...
Richard Boyd Barrett, a People Before Profit member of the Irish parliament, is well-known champion of the Palestinian ...
Rachael Shapiro, an anti-Zionist Jewish socialist and revolutionary in Germany, spoke to Socialist Worker about the Palestine ...
Moods to confront sexual violence shows no signs of going away as protesters take to the streets of Turkey and France, with ...
Over nine million people in Britain experience levels of poverty and hunger so extreme they rely food banks according to the ...