RELEASING TIME-1 by ColetteMorey de Morand is available at MODERN MADE Day Sale - artnet ...
The culmination of the artist's interest in birds was the folio, Song of the Migrant Bird, with 53 vibrant and varied representations of their form. The complete boxed set of 54 colour lithographs, ...
Markings: Hand signed on the front by Damien Hirst and numbered on the label on the back. New as issued in the original packaging. Contact Gallery About This Work Description: At ...
Goldsmiths' Fair, London, 2017. Waterhouse wrote: 'This is a hand-raised bowl decorated with pure gold and varying alloys of Green and White Gold. The pattern has been applied using the Korean ...
Acrylic, graphite, colored pencil, chalk on canvas in artist’s frame ...
SINEW BLACK VASE by KevinGrey is available at MODERN MADE Day Sale - artnet ...
鈐印:「林風瞑印」。 「小聽颿樓」主人潘祖堯藏近現代書畫始於上世紀八十年代,彼時經介紹與黃永玉相識,自此對近現代作品產生興趣,著意購藏,「決定先認識畫家,並且結爲朋友,然後才從他們手中收集精作」,積廿餘載之功,成此量豐質精之收藏。 他與黃永玉投契,不時入藏精品,又得黃氏為家人寫像繪畫,友誼深厚。一九八三年,他結識黃冑,受其豪放性格感染,結爲好友,以建築師身份,於八七年義務提供炎黃藝術館首個設計方案 ...
Robert Welch designed this service in 1961, taking its name from the Cotswold village where Welch lived. It received several awards including the Design Centre Award in 1965 and The Observer in 1969.
款識:王仁、嬌嬌世姪儷賞。大千張爰。 鈐印︰「大千唯印大年」。 來源:梅潔樓藏 上款:「王仁、嬌嬌」即王仁、朱嬌嬌伉儷,王氏兄長王普乃郎靜山婿,經其介與大千相識。畫家在加州期間,與王氏伉儷往來頻仍,時有聚遊,甚獲信任。一九六七年,大千於史丹福大學美術館、克密爾萊克畫廊之展覽,多賴其襄助籌辦,並曾寄存作品於其家中。
Bid Department: T: +852 2822 8142 View on Sotheby's Website Contact Sotheby's Hong Kong Description: 鄧芬 太白醉酒 設色紙本 立軸 一九六一年作 款識︰清風明 ...
47 x 55.5 cm. (18.5 x 21.9 in.) with Opera Gallery, London, from whom acquired by the present owner.These two paintings by André Brasilier (lots 54 and 55) speak to a number of important themes in the ...
28 x 21 cm. (11 x 8.3 in.) ...