In 1969, humans landed on the moon, traveling at a speed of around 5000 km/h. Exactly 200 years earlier, people traveled much ...
When sober, he was an impeccable boss, but when drunk, he was offensive and assaultive. Because he had sexually harassed a ...
Austria's smallest alpine association was founded 145 years ago. The Krummholzer show tireless commitment to preserving the ...
An amendment to the Tyrolean Provincial Police Act brings sexual freedoms for people with disabilities. According to the ...
One in three Austrians is single. In Burgenland, one in four is looking for their better half. Anyone who would like to ...
What we have in the snack boxes and how we bring variety into the healthy school snack. As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" ...
The life of a 93-year-old man came to a tragic end on Friday evening; all help came too late for him after a car accident.
Third matchday in the Nations League: Group A4 will see a clash between Spain and Denmark. With you will be ...
Dritter Spieltag in der Nation League: In der Gruppe A4 kommt es zum Schlager zwischen Spanien und Dänemark. Mit ...
Tragisch endete am Freitagabend das Leben eines 93-Jährigen; für ihn kam nach einem Autounfall jede Hilfe zu spät.
1969 landeten die Menschen auf dem Mond, Reisegeschwindigkeit: rund 5000 km/h. Genau 200 Jahre früher reiste man sehr viel ...
Heute Abend (ServusTV, 20.15 Uhr) schlüpft Simon Schwarz in „Der Metzger – Mordstheater“ zum zweiten Mal in die Rolle des ...